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“I feel like every year has a new energy, and I feel like this year is really about, like, the year of realizing stuff.

And everyone around me, we’re all just, like, realizing things.” (2016)

This is true of every year. I think it becomes more apparent the older you get. But the thing is that... I am, like, realizing things. And I want somewhere to talk about it so my friends' Snapchats can take a breather.

Disclaimer: My head is all over the place 100% of the time, so my blogs are too. 

This is something fun to keep me occupied on those sleepless nights and slow work days; when netflix and youtube just aren't filling that void; when I've come across one too many tiktoks telling me to finally go to bed.

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"Hey!! I just read all your blog posts and I really like them! I love your style of writing because it’s relatable and honest. I will definitely keep reading them! It’s so easy for people to only show the good on social media but I love seeing the realness."

- Brittany

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sasha parrell millennial entrepreneur blogger

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