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Hi! I’m Sasha. Here’s some information about me if you don’t already know me personally…


Millennial cusp (’95 baby!), Canadian, Gemini, Leo rising (yes, I just googled it), ex-military brat, I’ve moved around eight times, I prefer cats to dogs, I LIVE for travel, I'm not not slightly addicted to tattoos, I have an honours bachelor's degree in advertising and marketing communications management, and I went to college in Ireland. Also, if anyone out there still reading this is into dream analysis or wants to hook my brain up to wires to figure out how it works, please let me know (if you've read Sasha Realizes Things, you get it).


Whether you’re here for a lighthearted blog, to buy some weird sculptures with eyelashes, or to work together on a brand... Hold on to your socks! If you're even more curious about how this whole self-made business situation became what it is today, read my CanvasRebel Interview!

*PS: Shoot me an email if you want to work together!

A selfie of Sasha
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