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Consult with Sasha

If there's one thing I've learned about growing up in the Social Media Age and after/during a pandemic, it's that social media is king. Since the dawn of the literal interweb, it became the place that people go to to vet companies and their products/services. And, at least for the younger generations now, social media acts as a qualifier for these same companies: Often if they don't have an Instagram, or a Facebook at the very least, or they're not up to par with the characteristics that would deem them a legitimate place, they will more likely than not go overlooked. I'm here to help fix that issue! 


There's definitely a lot to be said for the education and algorithms and trends that come with hosting social media platforms, but there's a lot more to be said for avid users who had to teach themselves how to use every feature and platform since the 90s as they emerge. Well, lucky for you, I happen to have both kinds of experience! I was born in 1995... *just* before Google, and definitely before MySpace, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, Tiktok, etc., and I have an advanced diploma *and* an honours bachelor's degree in advertising and marketing communications management. I also have the unique knowledge of seeing how things change based on Gen Z's upbringing, being related to one who is a whopping 7 years younger than me. She helps keeps me young(er).


Social media is an art. Using my personal knowledge (read: slight social media addiction) and my educational background, I'm here to help you set up for success. I'm always learning because things are always changing, but some things are "textbook" for a reason. The 101's are called that because they stand the test of time. Social media is a beautiful place full of connection and inspiration and ideas and sharing and creativity and fun, but it's also daunting and huge and takes up so much space and holds so much importance that it can be scary to start from scratch for a business, even if you're an avid user in your personal life - they are not the same thing.


I promise to always offer a no-bullshit approach to helping your business grow its online presence. I'm not here to sell out or take all your money and name-drop all the clients I'll ever have... I'm here to help you take something you've poured your blood, sweat, and tears into and make it into something you're proud of. I value authenticity, honestly, transparency, relatability, and the underdog. 

A Quick Note:

All packages can be customized to best fit your goals and needs.


All services include:

  • free consultation/discovery meeting (up to 1 hour)

  • our initial strategy session (up to 1 hour)

  • one review meeting (up to 1 hour) and 1 round of edits (as agreed upon in the contract)

  • Google My Business setup and optimization (as applicable)

  • 1 month of analytics (as applicable)


*Development or Refinement

(Customizable, as applicable)


Please note that branding is a prerequisite to using my other services. Your brand must be developed by myself or already created before using other services (it makes it easier for everybody, trust me!).


  • Brand identity

  • Market research

  • Logo Design

  • Visual style guide

  • Brand style guide

  • Email signature

  • Business Cards

Basic Web Design

Please note that I am not a web designer... I am very artistic, resourceful, and intuitive, but I don't know *all* things web design. For example, I only know a little bit of HTML from my MySpace days.


  • Custom website design

  • Project landing page ("coming soon")

  • Domain transfer/connection

  • Sourcing stock images

  • E-commerce setup

  • In-site SEO

  • Copywriting

  • 14 days post-launch support


Social Media Management is one of my favourite things to do! I feel like I thrive in this area, but I promise to put all my love and effort into every other aspect you choose too!


  • Custom social media plan

  • Platform/profile setup

  • Scheduling content

  • Platform management

  • Content ideation

  • Content creation editing

  • Branding applied to all posts

  • Incoming and outgoing engagement

  • Copywriting

Email Marketing

Believe it or not, email is not dead! You just have to know your audience a little bit better. Email is always optional, but still highly effective... I recommend!


  • Email template, visual, branding, and design creation

  • Call-to-Action

  • Campaign developmentt

  • Linking social media and website to emails

  • Email list management and tagging

  • Copywriting

  • Abandoned cart emails

  • SMS integration

*Another Note*

Potential additional costs unrelated to and NOT included in my prices:


  • CoSchedule subscription

  • MailChimp subscription

  • Canva subscription

  • Shopify fees

  • Etsy fees

  • Website premium

  • Domain ownership

  • Printing costs associated with business cards or other physical collateral

  • Add-ons to any of the above

  • Advertising in any form, on any platform

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