tldr; i realized long ago that resolutions are too hyped up and that's why we don't keep em
Earlier I was FaceTiming my mom who's living with my Oma to help take care of her until we can move her into a care facility. Oma has dementia, and they were eating lunch together. My mom said, "Mom, today is New Year's Day! It's January 1st. The year is 2021." Oma didn't really care. She was basically like "k cool" and ate her eggs. But hearing my mom say it out loud like that and hearing it third person kind of was like WHAT?? It sounds like we're in the future. I never had that experience with hearing 2020, so it was so weird. Also, I wrote the date on a cheque I cashed this morning so I can find it again a week from now to throw out and remember that I did, in fact, cash it and I didn't fuck it up and write 2020 instead of 2021..... what's happening?
I originally wanted to make this post about why resolutions suck, but after thinking about it for a couple of weeks I decided to replace your typical resolution list with goals that are probably actually attainable. People keep telling me how this blog is super relatable and written honestly and that's my goal, so I'm glad it's coming off that way. I'm gonna keep it up, don't worry. Here's some "resolutions" that imma try this year:
This has been number one for me allllll 2020. Stop knowingly buying jewelry that'll turn your skin green. We're (and by we I mean myself) 26 this year and gotta look like it. We don't need that shit! Save that money for something legitimate and it'll last longer AND be cuter. Also, shop more locally and more ethically! (For all things, not just bling)
2020 was the year of online shopping. aka the year Bezos' family likely had the best, most, and most expensive Christmas gifts to date. I'm really gonna do my best to revert to the non-online-shopper that I was pre-pandemic.
Finally quit doing that thing to your nails (biting etc.). Do your best to let those babies grow. And if you're always getting fakes put on, let them breathe longer in between! They'll get healthier.
Go through your closet and purge purge purge purge. That Marie Kondo bring-joy shit. That HOME EDIT SHIT that i loooovee. Do what you gotta do to not make yourself feel guilty about those pants that you love that might fit one day, or that shirt that you don't like but someone you love gave it to you so it's kinda sentimental.... Make room for new! Even if new is thrifted and/or gifted, you'll feel better if you only own things you LIKE and that you actually wear. PS, You don't need 30 pairs of leggings AND sweatpants ( @me... ).
Try to actually make appointments to trim your hair more than once this year. You won't have to get so much taken off next time you do, and you'll probably hate your hair less because it won't look so dead (because it won't be).
This one isn't for me, but buy yourself new pillows! I got a new memory foam one for Christmas to replace the one I've had for like 5 years, and it's beautiful. Or save up to replace your 26-year-old mattress! I did that the first weekend of Jan in 2020 and I've never slept better... I highly recommend. Life's easier when you like your bed.
Broaden your food & drink horizon! If you drink, try out new recipes or new alcohols. In 2020 I tried Disaronno and Pink Whitney for the first time and will be buying Disaronno for the rest of my life. (PW was good for that one time. Too sweet IMO.) For food, also try new recipes! Cook/bake something you've never done before. Last year I started baking pretzels and bread (with the same recipe), and since my mom left to take care of Oma I've been cooking 99% more often and have been forced to perfect more than pasta. Trying new things from actual cookbooks, and also trying out Hello Fresh has been fun.
Maybe this one should have been number one but I'm thinking of a lot of these as I go... DECIDE THAT YOU'RE FUCKIN HOT. Hot Girl Summer was one thing, but who doesn't like feeling hot all the time...? Nobody. So wake up, decide you're hot, and keep deciding you're hot. This one is the least physical of all these resolutions so in theory is the easiest (lol i know i know). I'm trying it now. Today is day 1 obviously, but so far so good.
If you're like most people, you probably have some form of a makeshift gym at your place at this point in time. Maybe a yoga mat and some hand weights. Same girlie. but we also bought a cheap treadmill secondhand (lolol). Try to use it! Or do pilates or yoga or something that doesn't require gym equipment! This is a different year for those gym resolutions (especially being in lockdown 2.0) to get super fuckin fit but then giving up because it's too busy and scary to go until March, and by then you're over it. Try your best. I'm hungover today (didn't realize Pink Whitney was 30% and had a pint and a half of it - one mixed with ginger ale and half straight) so this one's already a no for me but I have even less reason not to try since the gym is literally my basement, where there's a TV and a radio and stuff.
This shouldn't be a resolution, but more of a reminder: Be Nicer To Yourself. The pandemic isn't supposed to be easier the longer it goes on. This is all so against our human nature that this isn't gonna be something we get used to any time soon. Stay home, stay safe, do your work if you can, get those home projects over with, whatever you gotta do to stay sane and mentally healthy. Put away your laundry (also @me lmao my laundry's been folded and on my bed for over ra week); Make your bed in the morning ( as I say not as I do); Binge shitty shows and not care about it being a "guilty pleasure". Don't work out if you don't want to. If you've gained weight since the pandemic started, just give yourself a grace period. It's okay. Your body is supporting you through this pandemic, so let it :)
*BONUS!* I think there's less people in the world now who haven't Zoomed in some form than those who have, but in case you haven't done it yet with your friends, defffffffinitely do it. I highly, highly recommend - especially if like me, your friends live 1,000s of miles away. There's Google Hangouts, Skype, Zoom, FaceTime, you can do it on WhatsApp and Snapchat too now I think too... probably 100 more options too. My friends and I often do it where someone shares their screen and we all watch a movie together (ideal for when one of us doesn't have Disney+ or Hulu or whatever or that movie isn't on Canadian Netflix but is on US Netflix). Speaking of those other platforms - You can groupwatch on Disney to watch all together, or download the Netflix Party extension on Chrome to group chat with friends while you watch. I've done it all and it's brought us closer together but also has kept us from going absolutely fucking mental.
Whatever you do this year, keep your friends and family close (metaphorically). Screenshot those sweet moments with your grandparents on FaceTime, take pictures with your parents and siblings, post all the cat and dog / & other pet / videos you can while you have them.
If there's anything we should have learned between Jan 1 and Dec 31 last year between the pandemic and all the human rights shit and fires and earthquakes and near world wars and whatever else happened, it should be that life is short and we gotta live our lives while we can in the best ways we know how, even if that means we have to adapt. Look into the good news for a few days a week instead of the regular news, which you already know isn't ideal. <3
2021 isn't gonna be back to normal like we all pretend it would be, but we can make some changes to make it easier and better and generally less shitty! LIKE WEARING A MASK AND SOCIAL DISTANCING AND USING A BUBBLE PROPERLY.
S ♡