tldr; the sonder is real. you'll wanna read this one.
Probably what you mean is how to be a boss ass bitch like me? I have two blogs that cover that so I'll link one here and one here... But this did give me an incredible idea for today's blog. You're not even ready! :)
Cutiepie Ailish wants ME to talk about being cute? When SHE's the one who's cute? And if you're not her reading this, you're cute too. And I'm about to prove it.
sonder, n.
the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your
own: populated with their own ambitions, friends, routines, worries and inherited craziness...
an epic story that continues invisibly around you like an anthill sprawling deep underground,
with elaborate passageways to thousands of other lives that you’ll never know existed, in which
you might appear only once, as an extra sipping coffee in the background, as a blur of traffic
passing on the highway, as a lighted window at dusk.
Yes, that is an actual word and its real definition. I think about this a lot, and like to think of those thoughts as me having a continuing existential crisis. Listen, I'm just glad there's a word for it and that I'm not the only person who's thought about those things. This word and Ailish's suggestion both reminded me of a series of tiktoks I've seen starting from @peachprc where she talks about things that people do that are just so adorable for no reason.
The first minute or so of this video shows the two tiktoks that I saw that I can't get ennouuughh of! Have you ever thought about these things and why we do them? Ugh it's so funny to me. Just adorable. So I thought I'd make my own list of these kinds of things (including hers because they're so good!)
Things humans do that are inexplicably adorable:
Jewelry. The fact that we give each other jewelry when we like a person... We're like "oo a little gem for you"... We decorate the people we like!
Dancing. The fact that we hear a little jingle and then start moving to show other people we're enjoying the sound.
The concept of mailboxes. We just have a little box in case someone wants to send us a message, and we just keep them out front at our house. Have you ever seen anyone open a letter that isn't a bill? They get so excited!
Bathing suits. We like to play in water so we have a bunch of little special water outfits. We can't even really hold our breath for that long.. we're not aquatic animals, but we still just swim for fun!?
Food. We love treats. And we give each other treats: food, gifts, cards... We get so excited over them!?
Houses. When you think about it, our houses are kind of like little nests that we've built for ourselves. And sometimes we just have other people over into our nests, just because we want to hang out with them. They don't live there, we're just like "no i want you in mine just so we can hang out"
Space. We keep trying to go to space. We're not getting very far, but we go to the moon and take little rocks to be like "we did it!" and leave little flags there!?
(time for my contribution to this list!)
Sunsets. When masses of people go to the same location to watch the sun set, whether it's to document it in photo or videos or just to watch it with people they like. We all like the same pretty things. (My sister thought of this one.) And sunrises. Also fireworks. Have you ever been to watch fireworks and not heard people genuinely OO and AAH at all of them like they're seeing them for the first time and never knew they existed?
Pets. We welcome these little furry animals into our home and treat them like they're the centre of the universe for no reason and act like they speak our language??? Nobody NEEDS a pet, we just look at this animal and think they're adorable and just decide to have one for ourselves. And then we make social media accounts for them and buy them gifts... and make little voices for them as if they spoke.
Sports. We just find groups of people who wanna play a fun game with us and then we find ways to play these games with people from all over the world in the Olympics!
Smiling at strangers. Why do we do this? Just a little nod or a wave to a stranger just to be like "i'm acknowledging your existence in a happy way" is just so fucking adorable?!??
Talent shows. We learn how to do something and then want to show groups of people who then applaud and cheer us on and support us even if the thing is super mundane and common. I guess this also applies to literally anything on social media. "Look at this thing I did" or "am wearing" or "I saw" and people are like "yes I like this" and hype you up!
Holidays. We collectively continue to choose the same days every year to celebrate things just so we have an excuse to buy lots of food and gifts and hang out with other humans we like... ain't no commitment issues there.
Displays of affection. We literally like someone so much that we have to touch them in some kind of way. And the way you touch them shows the amount that you like them (hugs, holding hands, kissing, cuddling...)
People-watching. It's hilarious and adorable to me that we find other humans so interesting. So much so, that we spend our downtime watching them. Even cuter is when you make up scenarios for how that person's life is and what they're doing currently when it isn't blatantly obvious.
What I'm saying by all of this is basically... if you're a human being you're already cute because you've done at least one of these in your lifetime so you're already there. :) ...another way of saying BE YOURSELF.
I don't think I can think of anything else... but I'm DYING to know what else you find adorable about the human species. DM me and we can talk all about it ♡
xx ♡ S