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Writer's pictureSasha Parrell

25 Things I Don't Understand

tldr; there are things i just can't wrap my head around... lol there's a lot.


I realized that I'm not the only one who doesn't understand so many prominent things, thanks to a tiktok trend. (I have an honours bachelor degree, just putting that out there.) Just gonna get right into this one...

  1. Space


  3. Dreams. I- ?!?!

  4. Electricity.

  5. Wind?

  6. CDs, DVDs, records. Also, VHS and audio tapes. 😶

  7. Electric/hybrid cars and how they were invented AFTER gas guzzlers.

  8. Cameras, recordings. How the hell are we able to capture memories like this!!?

  9. Babies. Namely animal babies. How do they immediately know what to do?

  10. UV rays... and how those are measured??

  11. Colours. Ever thought about that? We've never seen a new colour. After we learned them as kids.

  12. Dog whistles. How do you know you're not just making a whistle that doesn't work? How do you make it so high-pitched? Why do they even exist??

  13. Tipping. I get this one, I really do. But why not just pay those who live off of tips more so they don't have to live off of tips?????

  14. Ghosting. Cheating. If you don't like someone or don't want to see them or hang out with them or continue dating them or being married to them, just say so and take action to end it instead of sneaking around and disappearing??????

  15. Coupons. If I can get the thing cheaper, why not just make the thing cheap to begin with....!?

    1. ...why are things expensive? Nobody *wants* to spend that much money, even if they can, so just make it cheaper. ??

  16. Paper. How does it go from a tree to paper!?!?!?!??

  17. Debt/Money/Currency. This mostly is about debt... I just don't understand it. If you're $40k in debt in student loans, why can't they just... make you not in debt? There are whole countries are in debt apparently... just.. don't be??? Just print off more money....? Don't even get! me! started!!!!! on cryptocurrency. Inflation? Just .. don't inflate then??

    1. "The Suez Canal blockage roughly cost 12 per cent of global trade and was holding up trade valued at over $9 billion per day, according to data from Lloyd's list. ... Since the Japanese-owned ship had blocked the narrow canal for six days, the total trade loss has been estimated at roughly $54 billion" So just .... print $54 billion? and give it to whoever lost out on that money. You know?

  18. Wifi/internet, satellite signals, 3G/5G. (Essentially anything wireless. Even non-wireless things.) Must I really elaborate?? We, as a species, have been able to figure out how to make phones call other people, the internet exists (???), and we can invisibly reach a floating thing in space that allows us to watch different tv shows... but we can't make enough homes that people can live in? And we can't fix the economy with physical pieces of paper, metal and plastic? ???? What!?! Bluetooth.......

  19. Streaming (mostly music). I guess probably advertising but how can I use something like YouTube or Spotify for free and play all the music I could ever want to play, and my fav artists don't go bankrupt?? I know this has been an issue in the past (and it's why things like Apple Music and Tidal exist) but I just don't get it.

  20. Dress codes. I personally wouldn't mind if a lawyer wore overalls over a suit to work for/with me. Or if a janitor wore a suit to mop the floors. Or if a real estate agent wore sweats to work. Let's not even get into dress codes at schools and how fucked up they are in general, especially towards girls.

  21. The ocean. There's so much we as a human species don't understand about it, I don't get how more people aren't afraid of it. And also why we are able to do so much in literaaallll space but not in the ocean.

    1. Jellyfish don't have hearts OR BRAINS?????

  22. Pollution. Oh trust me, I understand pollution. What I don't understand is why we continue to do shit that we know is bad for the environment. Smoking? Cancer - a fact. So stop. Plastic? Doesn't deteriorate - so find something that does and use that instead. Greenhouse gases? Literally just stop producing it by finding another way.

  23. Naming things. Also languages. Who thought of the names for things? The word CAT for example: Old English catt, catte, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch kat and German Katze ; reinforced in Middle English by forms from late Latin cattus. So like ... who decided kat and katze and cattus was what it was gonna be called? Then why did we change it to cat with a C? And why is everything always derived from Latin? Why did Latin go away? How did Dutch and German and English become a thing? And French? And all the other languages? SIGN LANGUAGE?

  24. Social media posts to/about people who don't have Facebook. Like people who say "Love you baby" to their kid, but their kid is 2 and can't read. Or "Happy birthday ____" when that person passed away 30 years ago? I'm supportive of it but I don't understand it.

  25. Humanitarian efforts. WAR???? Why is it so hard to curb the issue of starving children? Why haven't we fixed it? There's 7.6 billion people on the planet, why are so many starving because of the lack of help from others????? I understand WHY war, but literally nobody wants to have conflict with others because they could die or others could die or they could lose their homes or whatever, so why can't we all just live in peace? (I know how you're gonna retort. But still.)

Alright fam I think I'm gonna stop there.... It gets worse and I could never stop! And before you say anything, I can Google the answer to all of these things but I mostly probably won't. A lot of these will just dig a deeper hole than I intended (like cryptocurrency... blockchains... etherium... NFTs...). Just generally some stuff I'm baffled by. I think 25 is a good place to stop too, I'm 25 currently. :)

Anyway, back to pretending I get this stuff like normal people do!



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