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How to Be Like Me (A Queen)

tldr; i realized i do be like that sometimes (a queen)

Blog topic suggestion: "How to be a queen like you"
i see u corinne ;)

If you're one of the lucky (unfortunate?) few that I talk to on a constant basis, you'll know that I'm full of insecurities and I'm literally always questioning everything I do, before, during and after the thing. If you haven't read my body positivity blog, do that next! This is pretty much the same thing but different - body positivity vs. confidence. Both are the same: Fake it 'til you make it... then you'll be a queen like me ;)

(above: me being a queen... at least twice: Once in Ireland and once in Amsterdam)

As per my other post (lol any passive-aggressive-email fans out there?) I basically said I started posting photos of me that are just outside my comfort zone (slightly boobier / showing more skin on a limb of my body I don't like / in full-on lingerie) and my friends really stepped up. For the most part, the 'sexier' the thing, the more likes it'll get - that's why instagram models only ever showing their asses in bikinis are what gets the most likes and views. Likes and views (and comments) aren't everything, but they sure do frickin help your self-esteem.

I could post a photo of myself in lingerie, like the one on my About page. I could post a photo in a bikini. Or one where my hair looks good. Or one where my eyeliner is sharp as fuck and I'm wearing a hoodie. Some of these things are out of my comfort zone and I imagine I would be extremely quick to delete that shit if nobody likes or comments, because I'm a weak loser that cares what people think of me and I overthink things and think people talk about me when I post something unlike me (which could be true either way but only without instant gratification I worry about it). BUT. I have the best set of friends who probably recognize that whatever I posted is new for me, regardless of whether I consulted them first about which to post or if I should post it. They come out of the woodwork yelling at me that I'm so beautiful or that I'm a queen or I'm slaying or whatever (check out my last like... 5 instagram posts to see for yourself) and it's so flattering! Why wouldn't I keep posting that kind of stuff when my friends see it as "fucking sick", thus boosting my engagement and making my post more visible to others who also get to see how "stunning" I am!?

All in all I'm not entirely sure if this suggestion boils down to how to literally act like me or how to have confidence like me, and I assure you I don't know how to answer either of those. I don't know how to act 100% of the time and also I have no confidence except for the serotonin my friends give me by complimenting the hell out of my every detail ;)



PS: if you're one of the people who hype me up whether by commenting or messaging me please know i adore you and you're making my head bigger with every note ;) ily ily ily


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