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Two Dreams in One!

Jan 13-14

Dream One

I had met Harry on a dating app (a tall hot Asian guy, not Styles tho unfortunately - he was a mix of these two hunks). We'd been talking for a while and it was time for him to spend the night. I lived in a huge house but I'm suspicious that it was also an apartment building because there was a parking garage. The house was two floors where my room was the entire upstairs loft (but I also lived with my parents I think? Couldn't tell ya. It all made sense in the dream). The night he came over he drove a big blue truck, similar to my dad's. He parked right next to my dad's truck. We made it to my house/apartment. He set his bags down. He had some stuff to stay over like a change of clothes and whatnot but he also had some textbooks and stuff. I guess he was in school and needed to study?

I think we had dinner and whatever with my family but then we were getting ready for bed. I was nervous the whole day because of course I was, but I was trying to talk myself out of thinking it was bad vibes instead of nerves. But bad vibes thoughts kept winning. In the middle of the night I'd woken up suddenly and he was already standing on the side of the bed over me, smiling, and in my half-awake state I was like "omg what's wrong with the bed". I stood up next to him and the bed had four egg yolks/whites scattered throughout the bed and next to where I was laying was soaking wet as if someone dumped a bucket of water. I remembered him smiling so I looked at him again and he'd changed to being so confused and wondering what happened and not sure how it happened. I knew he was smiling before so I was immediately angry and the "bad vibes" had taken over. We went back to bed because I was still half asleep and nothing made sense.

I woke up to a note on his pillow wishing me a good day and all that cute stuff. Flattered! I went down to eat breakfast and as I was eating I was remembering the events throughout the night and ran upstairs in a panic to change the sheets before they got ruined with the eggs and to try and make myself feel better. I realized all his bags and stuff were still there. Did he think he was coming back? Does he think he can stay another night?? NO SIR. I'm frantically cleaning up and moving his shit to the corner so I can bring it to the garage for when he comes back and my family comes up to see me manic and was trying to calm me down. I was having a panic attack (maybe IRL too?) about it and they couldn't calm me down. My dad gets pissed thinking that something worse happened because I was cleaning my bed like a freak. It seems like minutes had passed but I guess it had been a few hours. Harry was back.

My family came with me to confront him and to make sure he didn't come back up to the apartment because he was no longer welcome. His truck was still there, but he was nowhere to be seen. I pushed all his stuff into the bed of the truck and then opened the passenger side door to put the note he left me in there. I was so fucking angry and confused. I think I'd been talking to him for a long time because I was angry enough in this dream to think we were pretty serious, and I was so offended by his actions. He walked into the garage car-less and was like "oh hey guys! what's up? it's a party!" acting like everything was normal and that he's known my family for a long ass time, when that was the first time he'd met them aside from dinner the night before. My dad forced him into his truck and somehow forcefully made him leave (things make sense in dreams that don't irl lol) and I was scared because it felt violent even though it wasn't, but I was so relieved for him to leave. I proceeded to block and delete his number and any trace of him on my social media so he couldn't find me again.

I woke up to Peewee (my cat) bringing me a toy to play fetch with, which was realllllly stinkin cute and a welcome distraction.


Dream Two

I'm sitting in a van behind the driver and passenger seats. The second row has no seats, only a metal bar in the center. The van is only that big (like a sedan): driver and passenger seats, then the row behind, then the trunk area but the trunk rea was open as if it was a van or SUV. I'm sitting on the floor holding onto the pole and our golden doodle puppy. No seatbelts back there. Except, this was all perfectly normal. And legal. This is just how it was! There are suitcases in the back/trunk. In the driver's seat, my mom - only, she looked like my best friend's mom but FELT like my own mom. In the passenger seat, my best friend's brother Jackson, but he was my brother. We were driving him from Colorado to his college for the first time. A very exciting trip!

World's longest sea bridge
like this but taller & without beams

I keep looking out the windows, all I see is the big, wide ocean. A huge difference from landlocked Colorado! We're driving on this seemingly never-ending taallllllll and skinny-ass bridge that has two lanes, one for oncoming traffic. Can't be safe lol. We're surrounded by literally nothing other than ocean. I kept looking outside and freaking out because the waves were tsunami-sized. They'd grow and grow and then slowly start cresting, but it wasn't until then you'd notice it was real and close and BIG and not an illusion. It would crest and grow and move and get closer, and then crash just before the bridge, never impacting the bridge at all. This was normal as well. I'd keep commenting about how scared I was and mom and brother would just tell me I'm annoying and have stupid phobias and accuse me of faking it. I'm "crazy" for being afraid of the ocean. (BECAUSE THAT ISN'T NORMAL?!)

I woke up to Seven (my other cat) tapping me on the hand to wake me up to feed him breakfast.

Please someone hook me up to computers to analyze this shit. Or find a way to visualize it the way I see it in my head... these are fantastical and I must know why and the meanings of it!

xx ♡ S


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