tldr; i realized that we all do it... and for what? don't!
Obviously you have to make money to pay rent, bills, groceries, etc.
Obviously you need to work to keep your relationships in tact.
Obviously you have to have certain goals in life to reach.
Blah, blah, blah.
But does any of it need to be the end-all-be-all of your life?
Is it always really that serious? I don't think it always needs to be.
Maybe it's because I'm in my mid-20s and slowly turning into a wise very old woman, but sometime last year something clicked in my brain and it's really helped with my anxiety about generally living life. Here's a few of those things that clicked:
Don't take life so damn seriously.
If doing what you love can't be your full-time job, try to make it a side hustle or just a hobby.
If there are people in your life that don't add value to it, end those relationships.
Wear and do what you want. (For the love of god, wear whatever bathing suit you want to.)
Travel as much as you can (even the next town over).
Take as many pictures and videos as you want! Capture allllll the memories.
Jump on bandwagons. Join trends. They don't last for very long anyway.
Go to bed early sometimes. And/or sleep in. Have naps!
Turn off your phone or put it on silent during the day for a little while.
Say no to others if you just want to be alone. (It's okay, the world won't end!)
Take those long, hot showers and baths when you need to.
Eat the junk food. Drink the girly drink. Or say no to those things.
Binge whatever shows make you happy.
Go back to school! Who cares how old you are? (Nobody.)
Read all the books you can get your hands on.
Try new things, get out of that comfort zone!
I could probably go on forever, but here's my main point:
Life is too short.
Think about it -- We're in this life for 100ish years. The first few of those we're learning how to eat, walk, talk, dress ourselves, making our first memories, which hardly counts as living. The last few of those we might be decrepit and have no memory, and learning how to eat, walk, talk and dress ourselves. That leaves whatever time is in between. Make it count. Not everybody even makes it to 100. You probably know someone who didn't even make it to 20. We don't have enough time to waste on others' opinions, focusing on the bad, working until we have a mental break, living for others. Live for yourself! Take care of yourself!
We all take life too seriously sometimes. And for what? But no, really. Ask yourself that.
For what? For why? Why for? For who? What does that do for us? Por que?
Do you want to get to whatever older age and wonder why you didn't travel more when you had the chance? Why you didn't do the embarrassing thing and have that funny memory and story to tell? Why you didn't at least try to pursue your dream or interest? Why you didn't go back to school when you wanted to? Why you didn't take that picture because it might have been awkward or people made fun of you for "always taking pictures of everything" (like shitty people did to me in Ireland) but now you don't have anything to commemorate that moment? (PS I took all the photos of Ireland regardless of those shitty people I travelled with)
I don't want to have a life full of regrets and what-ifs and should-haves. Live that life now, because why not?
"Live every day like it's going to be your last" or whateva. One day it will be. "Smile while you still have teeth" and stuff. "If you don't like the path you're walking, pave another one" kinda shit. You get the point. LIVE YO LIFE! YOLO. Do what's necessary so you can live a happy, healthy life, but don't sacrifice happiness and health to get there.