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Winning London

tldr; i realize many of you might be sick of my *travel stories*... but i don't care so here's more from way before the pandemic

If you're not one of those who know me very well, this TikTok and this video are me. Travelling IS a personality trait, but I'm not ashamed. I'll never stop >:)

My girl Yuko and I spent a grand total of 48-ish hours in London, England in March 2018. It was the most frantic two days of my life and I loved every second of it. Here's a list of things we did and what I remember about them (AKA a list of places you should go should tourism no longer be illegal) (AKA a list of memories to keep reliving to pretend that the pandemic hasn't been so bad).

To start, Yuko and I are hilarious when it comes to planning and organization. We're queens at it. We had a schedule and everything, almost down to the minute. To be honest this sounds really anal and annoying but if you're travelling somewhere you've never been and want to do all the things, you have to do it. It makes your life SO FUCKING SIMPLE, especially when you're in a new place.

March 8 we both arrived in London pretty late at night (I think?). I waited at the train station for her, and then together we made it to our Airbnb (the best way to save money while travelling!). I think we just had pizza or something and then went to bed (it was a stupid hour of the day!).

March 9

  • Ate breakfast at the airbnb

  • 10 am - Buckingham palace/Guard Change at 10:30 and 11. We walked all the way there from our place on Crowder Street and it was such a beautiful walk. What a cool thing to witness. This was also among the hype surrounding Meghan Markle's marriage into the royal family.... so nuts. We walked around the grounds of the property when it was over and made our way to the river.

  • We stopped at Eat to eat. It's a little sandwhich place, I don't remember it being overwhelmingly amazing though.

  • We had plans to check out Big Ben, but it was under construction and we were happy with just seeing it from the ground. Same with the London Eye, we both didn't want to spend so much money on a romanticized ferris wheel, which was also fine by me because I hate riding ferris wheels...

  • 2 pm - We made our way to Sky Garden which was in a word, amazing. We spent an hour there and then made our way out and over to...

  • 3 pm - Tower Bridge. Yuko isn't a fan of heights, and especially isn't a fan of glass floors. We did both, and had a grand ol' time. Probably wired up from lack of sleep, lack of food, and time changes...

  • 4:30 pm - From there we went to Borough Market for dinner. I can't remember exactly what we had but it was amazing. We had plans to go to Duck & Waffle for dinner but we never made it because we'd found so many choices at the market.

  • It started pouring rain after such an incredibly-weathered day, and we were stranded looking for a taxi. All we wanted to do was grab a few drinks.... Lo and behold.... an underground bar. It looked crazy and a little sketchy but we didn't care (YOLO and whatever) and then we found ourselves inside the completely nuts London Cocktail Club. This was insane, and so much fun.

  • I can't quite remember how long we stayed but we definitely had a few (amazing) drinks, and then hopped over to The Kings Stores for food and drinks. (There are arrows on these photos to slide and see more but they're too dark lol pls look!)

March 10

  • 9 am - Breakfast at the Breakfast Club

  • 10 am - Browsing at One New Change

  • 11 am - We had plans to go to Jamon Jamon for lunch but ended up finding Bubblewap Waffles in Chinatown so you bet your ass we went with that instead. Turns out they're extremely filling.

  • Noon - We hit up the British Museum and stayed there for a while because we had time to kill, but also because it was masssssive and I'm sure we got lost a few times.

  • 4 pm - We got to go to the Shard which was an awesome experience too! We witnessed a killer sunset, paired with some awesome champagne.

  • Later on we were way too excited to go to the Black Prince Pub where the fight scene happened in the first Kinsman movie was filmed (we're obsessed but also hello Taron Egerton). They had poutine there and really good choices for alcohol. Also dogs! So glad we discovered this instead of going to Oxo Tower for food (maybe next time!).

March 11 marked the end of our trip. We left London incredibly early in the morning to head to Dublin (where I was studying and where Yuko came with me to visit). I'll have to make another post about allllllll the things I did in Ireland while living there.

London was amazing and I'd absolutely lovvvvvve to go back. BFF Corinne graduates next year and we were gonna go to London to celebrate but the pandemic is making that impossible. Someday, London.... Someday I'll be back (probably with Corinne) and we'll take over just like Mary-Kate and Ashley did in Winning London.




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